Friday, July 22, 2011

Glittery Robert

Ahh yes. This will burn your soul if you look at it to long.
What untold destruction have my idle hands brought.
Wait.... What's in Robert's mouth.

Robert Barton Feisty...

When you like the dub step life style you're gonna get punched in the face by a few girls.
My bro can take it in stride though.

Huzzah! This blog is now reachable from Google search! But not by a search for Robert Barton. So I need to make sure that every post now says Robert Barton.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Don't hate the player...

When humans reach a certain age we must start to think of the long term. We ponder the vast horizon of possibility with awe and trepidation for there are so many paths we can take. But alas, there can only be so many doctors, lawyers, and checkout clerks. It must take tremendous courage to see the vastness of personal opportunity and then voluntarily remove yourself from the equation.
And so I salute you bro! Someone has to work at the head shops and 24-hour convenience stores of the future.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nyan nyannyan nyan

Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyannyan nyan nyan nyan nyannyan nyan nyan .... nyan nyan !

Moving up...

Today I'm moving up from simply inserting my brothers face on to other people to completly transporting him to new realms of possibility. We've known for a long time who he REALLY was. I'm just trying to help him imagine the possibilities. So really He should thank me for this:
Good lord what have I created?!

Just for spite...

I don't always need inspiration, skill, or even a reason to create these and loose the on the internet like an army or radioactive ferrets.
If I were a normal human being I would almost feel bad about immortalizing my younger brother on the internet this way.  If I were a normal human being.

When posing as a celebrity...

When you have a brother with access to your Facebook page and too much free time at work, it might behoove you not to claim to look like celebrities...

How rude!

My previous post was genius. But having elicited no response from the art community what was I to do? I was forced to take a page from Xzibit's book.
Look at it! Look! Do your eye bleed from the Horrible Beauty! It's a Shop inside a Shop! Plus another Bieber slam! Nobel Prize committee, I'll be waiting by my phone.

For my next trick...

After complaining to my brother Robert that his Facebook pictures were not providing me with the sufficient material with witch to embarrass him on his page, he was gracious enough to provide me with an awesome picture of himself in a field of dasies. The result? A predictable:
Ah, yes. Obviously a masterpiece. The marriage of young Bieber and Roberts whimsy is striking in its horrible splender.  The famous artist money will start rolling in any time now. My genius is bowel shaking is it not? 

In the Beginning...

It all started with the tasteful photoshop of my little brother's face onto Justin Beiber. In the beginning it was very difficult to come up with quality source material from my brothers Facebook page.
As you can see even with a low quality picture of my brother I was able to capture his true nature. I also adorned the image with his new moniker in a tasteful shade of pink...